My favorite way of closing a pillow is using a zipper! And I will teach you the easiest way of doing it.

This pattern is “Dainty Hearts Block” by Quiltwist and it’s FREE to Quiltwist’s Newsletter Subscribers.
This tutorial presents three Sponsors for the Quilted Pillowcase Swap happening now on Instagram (From Jan 25th to Mar 4th, 2022).

This pillow measures 16″x16″.
You will need:
*Dainty Hearts Block pattern (or any quilt block in the square measurement of your choice);
*1 fat quarter for the backing;
*1 16″ zipper for a 16″x16″ pillow;
*(2) 2 1/2″ fabric strips (WOF 42″) for binding;
*pillow insert

I free motion quilted my pillow top just as in a regular quilt sandwich, I chose very basic and simple motifs that are irregular so I didn’t have to worry about it being perfect.
Quilted throw pillows are great for practicing free motion quilting, I encourage you to try!!
After your block is finished and quilted, press the fat quarter that will be used for the enclosing back of the pillow and cut it 2 inches longer on one side. This will be the double fold we will press and sew to attach the zipper on the top of the pillow.
It’s VERY IMPORTANT that you don’t forget to adjust your fabric if it is directional, so the print is facing the correct direction when the back is finished.

After cutting, press the 2-inch long side twice, one inch each time, this will give a nice finish on the back of the zipper internally.
Sew with 1/8 inch seam allowance to hold it in place.

Now it’s time to sew the zipper…
It’s very common to feel uncomfortable working with zippers, the truth is that most of the time it’s simply a straight seam, and that’s exactly what we’re doing here.
Pin the zipper on the backing fabric along the edge previously sewn, the zipper needs to be facing up, as does the main side of the fabric, which will sit on top of the zipper edge (see pictures for reference). Using your sewing machine zipper foot, sew along the top to hold the zipper in place. Face the top of the fabric up when you’re sewing, so it’s easier to see as you sew the straight line.

And the zipper is done! That’s it! Easy, right?
Now align the full backing, facing the right direction accordingly to the front of your pillowcase, having the wrong sides of both fabrics together, clip or pin it all around.
Sew all around with a 1/8 inch seam allowance.

We’re about to finish our project…
Now let’s attach the binding exactly as we do for a mini quilt or regular quilt, and the quilted pillowcase will be finished!!!